Dynamic Development Enterprises, LLC was founded in 2017 to support public, private and non-profit entities engaged in comprehensive community development and neighborhood revitalization. Areas of focus include:
Affordable Housing Development;
Project Management;
Grants Management;
Resource Development;
Regulatory Compliance;
Public Policy Advocacy; and
Community Engagement.

Sulé Carpenter
Founder and Principal
With 20 years of experience in the community development industry, Sulé has worked for public, private and non-profit organizations of local, regional, and national scale. This includes work with The City of Atlanta, Clayton County, Mercy Housing, and The Community Builders. His experience includes the management of over $20 million in federal funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, including funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Home Investment Partnership (HOME), and Neighborhood Stabilization Programs (NSP). Sulé has also developed nearly 500 units of affordable housing funded with conventional financing, Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), HOME and other state and local development subsidies. He has demonstrated success in grant writing and fundraising and successfully raised support from individual donors, corporate entities and private foundations. Additionally, he has extensive experience working with Community Development Corporations (CDCs) and other Community Based Organizations (CBOs), having previously served as the Executive Director of the Atlanta Housing Association of Neighborhood-based Developers (AHAND) and President of the City of Atlanta’s Neighborhood Planning Unit-K (NPU K).
Sulé completed his undergraduate studies at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA, received a Master's Degree in Urban Policy Analysis and Management from the New School for Social Research in New York City, and was a recipient of the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Urban Redevelopment Excellence (CUREx) post graduate fellowship.